Built for Schools
- Teachers, Parents, or Students access.
- Accessible with any device (PC, Mobile or Tab)
- Dashboard, analytics and real-time report for apt decision making Bespoke customisation with Client and Admin backends for real-time updates

- Manage school’s day-to-day administrative operations.
- Keep track of their daily activities while also working all of their resources and information on a single platform.
- To improve efficiency and productivity, therefore saving a significant amount of time spent on administrative tasks.
- Alleviates the stress of managing large amounts of data from schools.
Amazing features!
- Easy to use by Students, Parents, Teachers or the school management
- Student / Parent login dashboard
- Teacher login dashboard
- Accountant/Librarian login dashboard
- Comprehensive student real-time database
- Student detailed information
- Examination and marks record
- Student Remarks
- Parents can view students performance real-time without physically visiting school.
- Grading system
- Student Promotion
- Finance and school fees notification
- Teacher portfolio display
- Library management – Borrowing books, book issue report, etc.
- Noticeboard for Parents
- Parents can contact school administrator/managements
- Student payment report
18. Generating / Printing invoice
19. Academic session
20. Bulk invoice creation at Once
21. Noticeboard manager
22. School image gallery for the future
23. Payment gateway
24. Email integration
25. Individual or Bulk Student registration
26. Allocating teacher’s permission
27. Mark Student’s attendance
28. Weekly class routine
29. Academic Curriculum or Syllabus
30. Class and multi Section Manager
31. Managing classroom
32. Event calendar
33. Calendar reporting and School Events
34. Social media links
35. Easy to setup
36. Different features can be activated or deactivated.
Reasons to use it
It is not rocket science to install any of our LMS or portal solutions, likewise very easy to use.
School management software solutions in Africa, Asia, etc are only as good as their software features, which is why we have incorporated only the best, most relevant features into this solution.
We offer support via trainings, technical and non-technical supports. The future of our classrooms be it in the primary, secondary or tertiary levels is online, hence, the earlier parents adopt school disruption platforms, the better for them and their children.
Our clients vary from primary to secondary school, etc. The solution can be used for very basic elementary schools to the advanced tertiary ones like colleges, universities, and higher educational Institutions.

Try it now?
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Please fill the form quickly. We shall revert back shortly.

ROBOTICS for Schools
Students AI programming and Training
- Learn how to create intelligent systems
- Understand how Robots work
- Get trained within a short time
- Arduino, M-Bot, etc.